Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pooped Out

I did NOT want to get up this morning. No, sir. I was a slugbug in pajammers! I think the notion that students would be returning today (I run the in-school suspension class at a middle school) didn't help put some "giddy" in my up!! But I did eventually get out of bed and get moving - coffee and oatmeal helped. I got a lot of miscellaneous things done at work, helping here and there. I like doing that! I like helping people; it makes me feel good. Is there a position that is for a knowledgeable go getter to just "float" and do miscellaneous things for all kinds of people? I want that job! Actually I'd like no job, but like most of us I must work to help pay the bills. {If only ... (sigh)} I was proud of myself for actually leaving on time!!!! That's a new thing for me. There's always that "one last thing" that I want/need to do while students are gone and/or to prepare myself for the next day. Not today. Nope. I finished with bus duty, signed off the computer and was outta there.

I had a reason to want to leave in such a hurry. I was excited for church tonight. I mean there hasn't been any Wednesday night church the last two weeks and I have missed that time. Time to eat a nice supper that I didn't have to plan, prepare, cook, serve, and/or clean up after. And for such a nominal amount. I love it. And then the kids have missed their classrooms, friends, and teachers. And I miss my friend that I spend my "me" time with if I'm not involved in a class at the time. It's a win/win/win situation! Every Wednesday night when I plan my menu for the week says "church" and I know that I have nothing to do that night to feed my family except to drive to the church. =)

So interestingly enough, the kids said they had a hard time staying awake in choir tonight. I guess going back to school tuckered them out. So they came home, tucked themselves into bed (clothes and all) and crashed. It was so quiet. You know that quiet that as a Mom you know something's up or someone's asleep? THAT kind of quiet was happening in my house. So I went to check on the kids. I thought maybe they had decided to start reading a book without me since we had discussed our group reading time together tonight before bed. Nope. Not what I found. Nothing in the first bedroom. Then I spied with my little tired eyes, one girl tucked in bed with a boy on the outside edge, both sound asleep. So the interesting part about this is that it was just after 8pm!!! I was happy. Happy that they knew they were tired and went to sleep. Happy that I wasn't going to have to have the "it's bedtime" battle with one or more of them. Happy that I can have some peace and quiet time before I myself sink on into the sheets to read the story written on the inside of my very own eye lids.


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