Monday, June 4, 2012


I {love} summer! I love being able to stay up late, sleep in if I'd like, no alarm clocks. I love being able to go or stay, do or not do. I love being able to work on projects around the house, both new and old. I love spending time with my family.

I'm only 4 days into this and loving every single minute of it! We've had a party to kickoff summer with friends and neighbors, shopped, and played. Some of us are playing more than others, lucky ducks!! And I'm even getting some chores done, too. Today I've been working on laundry, to start it anyways. I have a list going and on that list things are prioritized.

First item is to remove {everything} from my daughter's room and give it a S.E.R.I.O.U.S cleaning from top to bottom. This in itself is quite a task! She's a messy, messy little girl! I have even talked about taking the doors off of the closet and make some drapery to hang instead so that we can put a desk next to her bed. If we don't take the doors off there's no room, so this is a good alternative. And I'll buy regular drapery then embellish the bottom of the new and existing (actually ON the window) treatments so they go to the floor and match. I'll also have to go through and remove items that are not worn anymore to donate/sell and switch out the summer/winter clothing. Then all toys and everything will be scrutinized (by me, not her) to make sure it's not broken and then put back into the storage containers and placed on the bookshelves. I've got that bargain headboard STILL in the box in the garage - it was damaged (splintered) so I got it for $10 when it was originally $100 at Garden Ridge before Christmas last year! It needs to be painted black after some wood glue and clamps take care of the splintered part. And I've thought about painting the inside of her closet for a while, so I need to make that decision and get to that once everything's out if I'm going to do it. I should. Hers is the only kids room NOT painted. And I like the idea of just doing the closet - get the color, but not as much paint or time needed to do so. I like that! I imagine the process for her room alone will take me a week from start to finish!

Other project on the to-do list are my son's room, craft/game room, Master bedroom, Master closet, garage, to file pile, as well as regular chores and all my peewee football/cheerleading miscellaneous. {Whew! I'm wondering if there's time for fun with all those things to do?!}

I'll post as I start and am working on things to document the process. It may inspire you.