Thursday, December 27, 2012

So today the Mr. decided to iron the blackout curtains he brought home from overseas to hang in the living and dining rooms (which are open to one another). It works well for him since he likes it dark, where as I'm one who likes the blinds open and the sunlight flowing in through the windows. But with his headaches, he wins. I have to give him that. Maybe when he's going to be gone for more than an hour or so I'll open them and have the sunshine for my enjoyment. But being that it's winter weather and below freezing outside, I'll let him think he's won when really it's me who wins because I'm the one who freezes my tokus off and he's the one who's always hotter than all get out! I think it'll work. =)

Because of the curtains going up in the living room, I decided that the furniture must be rearranged so I pulled out the vacuum cleaner and got to work doing just that. So the living room is 1/2 different, swapping places from one side to the other. Which leaves the poor Christmas tree shoved aside, actually blocking the back door at the moment. So I tell the Mr. that our next project needs to be to take that down and put it away. Not sure if he likes that much, but just as I type these very words he started removing ornaments from the tree!! {Whoo wee!} This will be THE earliest that my tree has been put away in at least the last 6 years!! I've been known to be teased for having my tree up past Easter in the last few years. I'm too lazy to do it. It's too pretty. I'm too tired. I just don't wanna. And I could go on and on with the reasons I've used in the past. BUT. Hubby is home and things are different and that simply wouldn't fly with him here. Okay. Works for me! I'm just hoping that because I didn't want to have anything to do with putting up the tree this year (Mr. and the kiddos did it as I watched) that I won't have to do any of the removal part of it either. Wishful thinking?? Maybe. We shall see.

Besides all of that going on. The hubby asked about the extra gazillion wooden hangers that we have next to his side of the bed and in a container in the garage and then what the kids have. They still have plastic hangers. His blue. Hers black. So he counts. Little he counts. I knew little girl has WAY TOO MANY clothes to swap. Little boy wins! So as the winner (which he would call the loser!) he has to remove all of the hanging items from his closet, sort them into piles (wear, holes/stained to throw away and/or put to the t-shirt quilt making pile, doesn't fit/don't wear to donate/sell) and then rehang and put away. So since he "won" I decided to send the little girl off to do the same thing in her closet. Sorting into the same piles. They'll have great looking closets soon. And with the reduction in unnecessary/unused items, it should make things look cleaner (aka better) and reduce stress. For me when it's time to figure out what to wear since that's so difficult! {What parent doesn't go through this at some point with their children - boy or girl?!}

Maybe our reward later will be a family game or movie.

But what I really want to do. Seriously, I do. Although I wonder if I have enough stamina to even think of starting it. What I really want to do is get started again in the craft room. It became the dumping grounds as I lost steam when I first started that project in the summertime and then more so when hubby was coming home and I just had to move things from other areas of the house! I mean it makes sense to just dump it there (at the time) so that it was in one place that had doors that could be shut so unless you knew it was there or opened the door, it just wasn't where everyone else was (aka the rest of the house)! I do want to work on it over the break and just may get started in there. I did do a little bit the other day when I removed all the PS2 stuff on Christmas Eve. Maybe I can ask the Mr. to take all of that to the store and sell it for credit to buy a new game for the system Santa left the kiddos for Christmas.

Gotta go. Hubby says he can't proceed with the Christmas tree until I finish collapsing the boxes from gift giving. Gotta go do that so he can work more.

Happy cleaning!
Happy organizing!
Happy Happy!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry, Merry Christmas!!

I hope that I can get back to blogging. Football season massively took me away from attempting to do so. But that's behind me. Until next fall, anyways. And I'll have less of a role since my term is almost over for the pee wee organization in my town where I served the 2012 year as both Secretary and Treasurer. Fun. But extremely busy! That chapter of the last 3 seasons is coming to a close, and I can move on to being just the Mom. That, and helping my son's middle school teams on the sidelines again! Perk of being a school district employee ... I was there to help the coaches and players by assisting to keep the boys in the space so we didn't get penalties, stop doing silly things that distract them from the game, administering first aid to those with injuries, having parents sign for release at away games, and water girl. It was a blast! I'm glad the coaches appreciated it, and that the 8th grade coaches told me that they already expect me to do the same for them next year! Have I told you before just how much I {love} football?!?! =)
One of the other things that took me away from this was preparing for my husband's return after 5 years stationed overseas. I had SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much to do to try and make things "perfect," although he says all of the time that I didn't need to do that and he'd love me anyways. (Maybe something only a military wife can understand, but still.) Yet I strived to remove as much clutter from our home as I could. I did get some of it gone. But not all. And I still have areas that need my attention. My to-do list is still there and will be fine if I don't get to it for a while longer! {Hee Hee} I also reworked my husband's part of our closet adding shelving and storage. Even a few bins for hiding summer items for myself! Also included, which I did succeed at, was making our master bedroom back to our personal space for just us and no junk or clutter. The only thing I have to remove is the extra wooden hangers for the closet, but need to figure out how I'll store them and where. Not too shabby though. I'm quite pleased with myself. And I do need to add pictures (yet to be taken ... someday!) to the frames that I purchased YEARS ago and place them on the wall above our headboard. Another items for the to-do list that will be fine if I don't get to it for (ummmm ... I don't know how long).
But. For now. I am still here. In the land amongst the living. And I shall return. Hopefully with some fun, creative, and organized items to share with you all.