Saturday, January 14, 2012


I am feeling sad that I haven't blogged since last Sunday - a whole 6 days ago! It feels weird. I wanted to blog daily, but it can be a burden some days and there are some days I don't feel as if I have anything worth writing/sharing. So let me catch up ...
  • Monday - work, gym, supper, and bed.
  • Tuesday - work, gym, supper, and bed.
  • Wednesday - work, church, bed.
  • Thursday - work, basketball game, bed.
  • Friday - work, basketball tournament, chores, bed.
Today ... basketball tournament, and home where I am doing chores to get my house in order. It's a 3-day weekend {wahoo!!!!} and I'd like to get my chores done TODAY so I can enjoy the next two days with the kiddo-ka-dinks. The basketball tournament was great (9 games since 4:45pm yesterday) and I earned some extra money for my family, which is awesome. The part that's even better is that in addition to making extra money, my kids enjoy being there with me and have made friends, but I am also getting to know students that I wouldn't normally and see them doing what they love. It's awesome when you see a "TEAM" that is working like one instead of five people out on a court. I love it! After that was done I made the kids smoothies that they have been BEGGING me for for quite a few days now. They loved 'em, and I love that they enjoy healthy foods. So now that my kiddos are out playing, I am here in the quiet of my sanctuary and am busting my buttocks to get the chores done. I've folded two loads of laundry (that were already dry, one being towels) and have sheets in the washer. When it's time, I'll rotate that and get another load of my clothes going. I'm going to dust, vacuum, then sweep and mop. I don't know if I'll get to my bathroom or not today, and I probably won't do the kids' clothes (as they are responsible for bringing their baskets to the laundry room) either. I do have a chicken in the crockpot, resting on an onion (with another stuffed inside) and some Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning mix over the bird. That'll be in there a while before I add some baby white potatoes and mini carrots. Supper's going to be super yum tonight!

Oh, and I'm excited because we started another round of BIGGEST Loser at school; our first of this school year. I ALWAYS enter, but haven't won yet. I like participating even though, like in slots, you mainly deposit without getting a return! ;) It's fun to participate and help encourage those who, like me, would like to become healthier and lose weight/get in shape. I like it for that aspect. Now if I win, I'll be all over that, too! I can handle an extra $120 in my pocket before Spring Break!! And that's the kind that is TAX FREE!!!! Oh yeah, baby!

I hope that you have a wonderful holiday weekend.

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