Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Playing catch up ...

Sooooooooooooooooo ... it's been a {few} days since I last blogged. Oopsie! Time. There just isn't enough of it. Don't you agree? If only we could stop the clock - WHEN THE KIDDO-KA-DINKS are asleep or at school or something so it's just "Momma time" - and get done all that is needing to be done ... laundry, Spring cleaning, organization. Crafting time, painting, chilling out with a magazine. I mean, the sky's the limit. I'd enjoy some time to just do what I needed to do without constant bickering amongst the kids, and all their shenanigans. Some of the things I'd do would be:

  • scrapbook
  • sew - like quilts and fun pillowcase dresses
  • assorted crafting things to decorate my house
  • DIY refurbishing of furniture
  • gardening
  • organization of EVERY nook and cranny in my house
  • read every magazine that I have on hand
  • massive amounts of baking
  • cooking all kinds of fun, fantastic things that would "ooh" and "aah"
  • spend more time with friends
  • and anything else I could think of along the way!!
IF ONLY ............. {sigh}

So I feel as if my life is in complete chaos lately. Obviously if there isn't enough time to get it all done, right?! I just have this strong desire that I {HAVE} to get my house in perfect order before the end of the year, with stuff being gotten rid of and organized in the best way possible. It's just time. I've done this to myself from procrastinating over the past few years, but can no longer do so. It's just TIME. Add to this mongo list of things to do the fact that work has been chaotic and stressful, stealing my energy to do the things I need and want to do outside of work, and my kids not behaving the way that I'd like them to. You know, the way that they should and the way that their Momma raised them and somehow they have forgotten it all and act the way they want to. {Ugh!} I tell ya ... STRESSED is the one word I would use to describe my life for the past few weeks. And it's time for this unwanted visitor to take notice and shove off!!!!!!

Anywhoosers ... I've not finished the laundry room; haven't touched it since almost two weekends ago when I last blogged. I did, however, move all of the crafting supplies from my master bedroom to the craft room. I know, I know. It's about time. It's only been my room since August. Hee Hee. It's still a work in progress. Much like the laundry room is turning out to be, or the fact that my Christmas tree is still up and decorated in the living room. {Hush!} I only had some storage and I moved it in the same configuration as it was and set it on this one wall where it fits perfectly, but I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more that I need to find the {perfect} storage for. If there is such a thing. Perfect. But I managed to get every single thing out of my bedroom. It looks so weird! So empty. I do still have all of the stuff in my closet, too, and I'd like to get it out and into the craft room. It's going to be interesting and take a lot of planning. DEFINITELY will need to use the vertical space! Not just for pretty stuff but also for functionality, too. I'm working on the design as I can. I've been eyeballing a desk system from IKEA that I think would be amazing for that room! I plan to do a full wall's worth and a separate desk area for sewing. I think it's going to be AMAZING when it's done, but want to do it as cheaply as possible and still have it looking good.

So much to do. So little time to do it.

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