Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Starting off on the {right foot}

Since I am by no means a party animal or anything remotely resembling a partier at all, I sat on my bed last night - New Year's Eve - with the television on and all of my bags to get organized for 1.1.13's arrival. I felt the need to start things off on the right foot. The one that is {organized} and ready for anything.
  1. I went through all of my store coupons and got rid of everything expired, recycling or shredding as necessary.
  2. I went through all of my grocery coupons to recycle everything expired. (I used to send to a friend overseas since military can use them 6 months past the expiration, but no longer do so since I hardly have any to send and have been HORRIBLE at doing this regularly.)
  3. I recycled home party catalongs that I did not need any longer, especially if I had a newer one on hand. I do like to look at them and mark them up to know what I want, what I have, what would make a great gift, etc. I can mark up a mean catalog! =)
  4. I put things back into one bag - from 3. It's zebra. I've been using it for football stuff for the last two years since I purchased it. The 31 bag is hung on the wall with my other bags, and the hot pink one was worn in the corners so had to be tossed into the garbage can. Although I loved it, there's no sense holding on to things that are breaking/broken. "Out with the old!"
  5. I also organized my checkbooks. All purchases were logged into the registers and receipts shredded or filed to keep (possible returns and/or larger purchases). I even balanced them both via online/phone services. This is rewarding and frustrating all at the same time. Rewarding in that it's done, up-to-date, and accurate. Frustrating in that there's never as much once you've paid the bills and spent some of it. Funny how that works! ;)
When I woke up today, my husband had cleaned his dresser top! {Shut the front door!} Did he really?! Yes. He did indeed. Hope it lasts. But in case it doesn't, I'm TRYING to not let it get to me. I want our room to be a sanctuary, but he doesn't understand this and may not feel the same. I wish that if he felt the need to be messy it'd be on his side of the closet so I don't have to ever see it!!

So today I also decided that some exercise was in order. I took the family on a 2.5 mile walk (bike ride if so desired) through the trails. It was wonderful. A chilly 41* outside, so bundled up we went! A leisurely pace. Not my 5k race pace. A little over 1.25 miles each way. We got to the park and sat on a bench looking at the ducks and a turtle in the water, deciding that we should do a picnic soon and bring some bread for the ducks. Then the trek back. Nice. Sunshine. Exercise. Family. Fun. I like it!! Must do this more often. Seriously. I'd love to do the hike at least once a week, maybe doing the other version for some variety. Maybe lengthening as we get more into it. It'd be good for us. Health wise. Family togetherness wise. Losing weight wise. Maybe even something I'll do with friends sometimes for some "me" time ... friends that walk together can enjoy Starbucks together afterwards without the guilt!! {Hee Hee}


So what did you do last night and/or today to start the New Year off on the right foot?!

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