Tuesday, December 31, 2013

End = Beginning

The end of the year. The beginning of the year. The end = The beginning. Very cool that such opposites can occur at exactly the same time.

Reflections of the year past, with inspiration as to changes to be made for the upcoming year. That's what this time of year is all about, right? Definitely. I'd love to say that I sit with my family reminiscing of glorious vacations, sporting events, educational accolades, fun family times, but I don't. I think it'd be awesome to do! Growing up my Dad would do slide shows from his camera of places we had been, things we had done. Wouldn't that be cool with some popcorn, drinks, and your loved ones to do annually for the New Year?!?! I sure think so. Maybe I will try that for next year. Instead, my poor hubster has been in bed for about an hour with a sour belly (yeah, like 4 hours before the New Year hits!), poor guy. Kiddos are playing nicely. Did I just say that?! PLAYING. NICELY. Yep! I sure did. Super cool. I know it won't last, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts! Me. We'll I've been on facebook, Pinterest, checked my fave blogs {Sunny Side Up and IHeartOrganizing}, and now posting on my own blog, all while my apple streusel is baking in the oven. I have a sweet tooth and candy wasn't doing it for me. Being my husband's German ancestry seems fitting! I don't know any Danish recipes or I'd consider those, as well. Guess I better ask my Momma about that one of these days.

I already have a workout scheduled with friends. There is this place, a trampoline place. Fun place to take the kids to burn off some energy. Cool thing is that they do trampoline aerobics. My girlfriend has gone and said it's a blast, so as I was on facebook posting about the two new pair of sneakers I just bought for myself (Ryka's on www.qvc.com - the ONLY sneakers I wear and the ONLY place I buy them!), my friend, Jacque, invited me to join her this Thursday. Luckily it works with my schedule and I'll already be directly across the street for an end of season soccer party for my daughter. I'm so excited! I'm hoping it won't be painful on my knee, which can't take anything more than a walk without being incredibly painful. Although I still don't understand how I can sprint when playing softball or across the finish line when doing a 5k and that doesn't hurt it, but jogging or jumping does. Hmmm. Oh well. It is what it is. So. Trampoline aerobics it is! On my wall calendar, but not yet in my planner (but it will be tonight). My new sneakers won't be here in time, but I still have two pair - one of which is either going to become my grubby pair until the next one starts wearing out. Interestingly enough, I used to wear only really cheap shoes but now spend a lot more because I have realized the value in a good shoe. It only took me until after 40 years old to get there, but at least I finally did. I've been wearing my Ryka's for a few years; like 5 maybe. But just this past year invested in a daily/work shoe that has an original price tag over $100. I have one pair that I bought brand new and another that I bought second hand (looking to add another this week from a second hand source). I've spent well on my children, but not myself. I even just invested in a great pair for my hubster for Christmas (thanks to my Father-in-law getting a pair on their last trip to visit us), which was awesome to do for him since he wasn't expecting it (and surely thought I had forgotten about them!).

Streusel's done! Just pulled it out of the oven. Now to let it cool before we enjoy. Sure hope it turns out yummy. I've never made one before. It's just a box mix, but still. I prefer homemade (much better when trying to eat clean and not ingest ingredients that you can't pronounce!), but because it was unplanned and late I just raided the baking cabinet and came up with/had all of the ingredients for this recipe.

Wishing you the most wonderful of everything in 2014!

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